*Edit at 10am ish – NOW WITH THE SHADING LAYER LOL!!*

Hey Readers,

Looks like Jim and Josie are playing into some old Anheuser-Busch commercials a little too much and poor Matty is at the end of their little prank.   Doesn’t look like Bella’s night is getting any better, first a Teddy Bear, now a miffed penguin . Lets all hope things are going better for Alexia.

Thanks so much to everyone that’s managed to push us up to Tier 7 at this months half way point, You’ve already helped CnC make Shockley23’s (aka Amber) mothers day a fantastic success! Of course there’s still 2 more tiers of Manila left to unlock before the final push to the bonus picture of Milfy May! Looks like Manila is starting to get comfortable with her surrounds, what could be in-store?

Till next week and some possible streams!
~Cheetah out

Matty (C) Ranma0029