Hi Readers,

I have a fairly big announcement to go first this week , after a few years of neglect , CnC’s host Jabarchives.com has had a full redesign, and a lot of the previously posting artists have started to again post on TJA! There’s even talk of Fluffy returning! go check it out http://www.jabarchives.com

Sorry for the lack of an update last week, Jim hadn’t had the time to go grab new pens to finish the strip for last Saturday, the downside of doing almost all of this on Traditional media, but it’s worth it, At least I feel it is.

So this week we finally finish up out trip to Fred and Joyce Rodgers home, and thus end our brunch. Ahh Jim will likely NEVER let this little similarity go..  Doing some research for this chapter I realized just how much the READ Mr. Rogers did.. (yes his name has no D) and he did quite a bit of work to help kids all over.. He will be sorely missed.   Next week more Sarina and Jessibel,  also, three different CnC Projects are under way.

1. Bella’s portfolio
2. Jim and Anthony in the first M/M storyline cnc has ever had and yes it’s canon (oh yes. heheh)
3. The Jessi and Sari portfolio being worked on by Poland

I’ll be posting more info as it becomes available

Till then
~Cheetah out