Okay so the MAIN reason why the font is staying like this is due to the buffer, once it runs out I’ll be able to try something new if needed…. I mean I COULD go back and reword the comics but that would require making new word bubbles and I still don’t know an easy way to make them that doens’t involve actually painting them on to the page. @.@

I know there’s something that can be done with Vectors or something but I’m not even sure what that button looks like. Or what to do with it once I’ve identified it…

Anyway, the word of the day seems to be “Wordy.” Unfortunately I’m not too sure how to insert fan-service into the comic description to pep it up like I did the comic (…….granted, given the furry: non furry ratio of the readership perhaps Alexia wasn’t the best choice… eh-heh) Still, there’s some Jo nipple some of you may enjoy. And I think this discussion needed to happen, and be seen happening, otherwise I’d’ve jsut skipped to Monday morning…

Welp, thats all the news for now, thanks for reading and see you again next Caturday!
~V.Kyrie (:*