Hey Readers,
Amber was fighting some stomach stuffs, but I hope you all find it worth the wait 🙂 Less than 2 weeks until we’ll be in Mississippi/Memphis for MFM 2016 Looking forward to seeing those of you who will be attending!
Thanks to everyone who donated to the THTSH, We’ll be getting that up soon, I’m really hoping Amber will have a great time at her first fur con 🙂
Till next week!
~Cheetah out
Well Clearly that answer Jim was not expecting that answer then. So now looking forward to what Pam is going to do with the second floor then space then. Also Hope Amber Feels Better as well.
Josie’s never been large busted, but here she looks more like a Jose (which is what autocorrect suggested for her name).
Josie is pretty much flat chested.
I too await for the outcome of what Pam does with the floor. And Josie and Bunnygirl… o.o The conversation to lead from breast pride to that must have been interesting.
I think it involved Pie, and Maybe the Color Twelve!!!!!
So we now have a H’otter living on the 2nd floor and Jo is having some naughtier fun with the bunny. Jim sex senses must be tingling by now…
Very cute update again! And hehehe I’m getting a huge kick out of Pam.
I would guess Pam is probably a spirit medium or fortune teller, they thrive in creepy places. And it’s amazing how fast things can escalate when two girls are left alone. I saw someone comment on Jo’s flat chest. This is true but Jo makes flat look good.