Hey Readers,

    So here we are , our last post of 2016 and it seems Bella might be a little jealous of Josie’s peaked interest in Melody eh?  Maybe she should just tell Jo how she feels, but she’s been silent on that feeling since they where in high school I don’t see that changing anytime soon.  We also have out last December sketch question from Uniprea asking how Jim would react if a male asked for a “special” Photo shoot.  The poll has concluded for the bonus picture from the much past Joyce Tip her to strip her campaign and it seems it’ll be Fred trying to invite Jim and Josie into the Frey, guess we’ll have to see how that goes.   I’ll be posting strip sketch teasers to our Patreon each week to preview the strip that’s upcoming and you can check them out for just the $1 tier, Also the $1 tier gets any other fun sketches that may be bonuses for the thtsh and any little commissions that I happen to get for CnC.  Speaking of Patreon we have 1 spot left in the sketch question tier (We have 3 pending for January) , as well as both cameo slots are currently open. The patreon cameo spots will enjoy a bigger roll in the upcoming Prom chapter so grab them while you can!  Happy new year to all of you, and stay safe when you’re celebrating out there!

See you all next week in a new year!
~Cheetah out!