Hey Readers,

Here we are at the end of chapter 11, our little Cameo kitty Skylar is back at home with her lovely significant other. This page was written by Skylar’s player Katney, you can see more of her work on her FA page. So we finally meet Cam as Skylar tells him a little about what happened today in her search for a photo shoot. Seems like Jim isn’t in as hot a water as many of us thought :P. I do think it’ll be nice to revisit Skylar every so often, so like I reported a few weeks ago , Katney has accepted our offer to have Skylar as a recurring character in CnC! So welcome aboard.

I know I still owe a few of you cameo’s , rest assured I have not forgotten, but you’ll be getting a part in chapter 12, should still be quite a but of fun 🙂 .

Those of you able to attend , Mackey and I will be in the dealers room of Furry Weekend Atlanta March 20th to the 23rd, hope to see you all there!

Have more to say but steadily falling asleep while typing this so I’ll see you all next week or in stream!
~Cheetah out